Nadia's Disney Recap...
Disney World we saw Nonni, Nonno, Aunt Chrissy, Natalie, Emma, Audrey, Aunt Debbie, Micheli, Zach, Uncle Mike and Uncle Danny! :) We were all so happy to see everyone, they all stayed in the rental house, but Siena and I got to sleepover a couple nights. The first day in Disney was Micheli and my birthday the first day we got to Disney, so we had dinner all together. At Disney World we all did the Buzz Lightyear ride. It was so cool! We got stuck on the monorail while we tried to leave Disney World after our first day at the park. My favorite ride was Everest Expedition in Animal Kingdom. My favorite part of the ride was the big drop weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and it was so cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool hahaha I did it 5 or 4 times. The Tower of Terror was not as scary as I expected. I had so much fun, but there were so many people, but still Awesome rocking roller coaster was my first luooptyloop. On Christmas Eve we spent the night altogether we were tracing Santa Clause. We were watching Christmas story that movie is so funny Danny said its is his favorite movie. It was on 24 hours then we went to sleep, on Christmas Day we opened are presents we left the next day…..
Thank you so much Nonni and Nonno! Love you all!
The whole crew at our camper dinner |
After DisneyWorld we went on the cruise, Siena is going to write more about that. Thank you so much Baba & Deja – I thought it was super fun and I loved being with my family!
Hi - this is Siena and I approve this message.
Disney World and Cruise by Siena...
Here are the Disney World bullet points (sorry I’m not writing a lot but that is because Nadia is writing about it)
• Day one we arrive in Disney World and we get to our camp site and met up with our family and had a family dinner for Nadia and Micheli’s Birthdays ( Micheli is Nadia’s twin cousin )
• Day two that night we got stuck on a monorail after leaving Magic Kingdom
• Day three we went to Epcot and Emma, ( it is her birthday today ) Audrey, and me went all around Epcot with my mom and got this filled out. After that Aunt Chrissy took us to Hollywood Studios and got to go on a bunch of rides.
• Day four we had dinner at our camper and Zach and I caught frogs
• Day five Zach and I did Jedi training in the Disney Hollywood Studios
• Day six Christmas eve for our camper Christmas present we got a Disney gift card, we had a short day at Animal Kingdom and went on a safari then we spent the night with our cousins
• Day seven we opened presents and had a big family Christmas
Thank you Nonni and Nonno for starting our awesome Disney vacation!
Disney Cruise
When we woke up the morning of the Disney Cruise every one was up and at it as soon as they could. Nadia and I got dressed as soon as breakfast was over and then everybody packed up the camper and we started the drive. The drive to the cruise terminal was an hour long drive but games made it feel a whole lot shorter. As soon as we got to the terminal we took the bags out of the car and camper. When we were sure we hade everything we started walking towards the boarding area the lines to get in looked really long but once we were in them it seemed to go faster (I thought that there would be a lot more to do) after we did all the boarding stuff Nadia and I got signed up for the kids club. Then we boarded the cruise ship. When you get on the ship the crewmen announce your name and everybody claps for you (it’s really weird) after that we went up to check out the kids club (which wasn’t kids only until 7:00) and then we waited for our room to open up (because it was getting cleaned) once we got into our room we dropped our bags off and settled in, our room was right next to Ollie and Greta’s room (they are my cousins on my dad’s side) and they were next to Baba and Deja (my grandparents they were staying with my Uncle Nick also on my dad’s side). Our rooms were supposed to be connected to each other by the veranda but they weren’t so Mommy called the front desk and got it fixed (good job Mommy) after that we went up to level eleven and got lunch (that might have been before but I don’t know) then we set sail!!!! There was a big set sail party going on but I think we mostly stayed in our rooms. Since we didn’t have Christmas together we exchanged gifts. Later we had to do a safety thing it was really boring and after we did that every one started walking through the doors but there were ONLY TWO DOORS AND LIKE ONE HUNDRED PEOPLE!!!!!! (so you could imagine it was a complete nightmare) it took so long to get back to our room then we had to get ready for dinner which was in like half an hour and on a completely different floor (ugh) dinner that night was at the Animators Pallet (that was my favorite one) the Animators Pallet was so cool all around the restaurant there were screens and on the screens were the characters from Finding Nemo ( if you don’t know what that is it is a movie about a fish who gets lost and if you want more look it up on google or something any way it’s a really good movie you should totally watch it ) so Ollie was really liking that dinner was really good and so was dessert.
So that is all about the first day of the Gorohoff Family Disney Cruise vacation!
Sorry I paused but I’m eating lunch I ate my applesauce but the soup is really hot so I’m writing some more ( yay! ) okay were was I oh yes I just finished the first day.
Okay so second day right uh yeah okay uh second day lets go. When I woke up on the second day uh I’m bored with writing THE END ugh mommy said I have to actually finish normal her words not mine so I’ll just kinda giving you like the main stuff that happened is that okay YEAH THAT’S GREAT JUST GET TO THE POINT! Okay
• Second day was a day at sea and we swam in the pool and went on the slide and went to the kids club and had dinner
• Third day was in Cozumel, Mexico and we swam with dolphins and we saw manatees and it was really fun
• Fourth day Grand Cayman and we went snorkeling with sea turtles and the sea turtles were so so so so cute
• Fifth day was in Jamaica and we did an inner tube safari (we did not see any animals though) and the tour guide was really nice and funny that was fun. That night we watched Star Wars The Force Awakens in 3D
• Day six was a day at sea and it was also NEW YEARS EVE -- HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!
• Day seven was tha day at castaway cay and we went snorkeling and we had a fun day at the beach
• And last and totally least, day eight, the day we had to get off wamp wamp waaa that day was no fun at all except at the end when we got to see Hayden, Stephanie, and Zibby, so that made the day like a million times better.
Thank you Baba and Deja for adding on this Amazing Disney cruise to this awesome Disney vacation!!!!
Nadia and me at the cruise ship |